
juloot interactive gamification Candy

Gamification Candy

Gamification Candy: We bring you the latest Gamification News & Trends Sweets for the Gameful Brand, Enterprise and Startup ❤…

7 Best Gamification examples for Brands Unlocked

juloot Founder Dr. Elhanan Gazit will present the seven best gamification examples for brands. Hands-On gamification design workshop for executives….

interlude messi pepsi interactive clip

How Pepsi gamify the coming World Cup 2014 experience?

Pepsi gamify the World Cup 2014 experience with new interactive video clip and a pinterest like website which include reward…

Lecture: Gamification for Brands unlocked!

Gamification for Brands unlocked! This lecture and workshop covers all the aspect of gamification design for brands from A-Z for…

❤ instagram Photo app Competition

instagram SoLoMo Photo Competition  We design and crafted an instagram and facebook Photo competition “Learning Moments” to engage the participants…

How we gamify the Digital2012 Convention

Adding fun to Digital2012 We designed a gamification mobile app for the Digital 2012 Convention. In addition, we create challenges…

Gamification Chef Workshop

An invited workshop at the 20th Israeli Annual Learning and Institution conference. The Gamification Chef Workshop led by juloot’s Founder and CEO, Dr….

ODT street game app by juloot interactive | portfolio

Location based game @ TLV

We design and deploy a location-based Game for executives. The O.D.T. game was played in the streets of Neve-Tzedek, Tel Aviv.  First,…